The MATRAC-ACP (Adaptive Real-time monitoring with sampling automation - Harbor and coastal waters) project aims at defining innovative water monitoring protocols based on the use of Unmanned Marine Vehicles and adaptive sampling strategies. The project, coordinated by the Institute of Marine Engineering of the Italian National Research Council, and has a partnership constituted by CNR Institute for Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies "Enrico Magenes"; Earth, Environment and Life Department of University of Genova; and IFREMER.
MATRAC-ACP, started in April 2018 with a foreseen duration of three years, is funded by the Interreg Maritime Italy-France Programme. The presentation deals with project issues and proposed approaches, focusing on innovative robotics and geochemical adaptive sampling methodologies. The activities carried out during the first two years of the project will be presented, providing a view of the foreseen adaptation of existing AUV platforms to operate in harbour waters.
MATRAC-ACP supports the event EMRA2021 - Pisa (online).