Please find the complete recording of the event on the ISME Youtube Channel. Quick links below.
[EMRA2021] Welcome + 1st Keynote session
- 11:20 Richard Camilli (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MA, USA) presents "Great Machines Think Alike, Greater Machines Think for Themselves: Integrating Cognition into Autonomy"
- 34:00 Discussion
[EMRA2021] 1st H2020 projects session
- 00:58 Andry Maykol Pinto (INESC TEC, University of Porto, Portugal) presents "ATLANTIS: New Frontiers for Inspection and Maintenance of Offshore Energy Infrastructures"
- 12:55 Thomas Vogele (DFKI, Germany) presents "DeeperSense: Deep-Learning for Multimodal Sensor Fusion"
- 23:30 Gabriele Ferri (NATO STO-CMRE - Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation, Italy) presents "INFORE" and "METRICS"
- 36:25 Petar Trslic (University of Limerick - Centre for Robotics and Intelligent Systems, Ireland) presents "RAPID: Risk-aware Automated Port Inspection Drone"
- 47:50 Discussion
[EMRA2021] Marine Robotics European Policy session
- 5:45 Emilio Fortunato Campana (Acting Chair of IRAG Blue Growth) presents "Waterborne Technology"
- 36:52 Maria Cristina Pedicchio (Member of the Commission Expert Group) presents "Mission Board for healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters"
- 1:01:39 Andreea Strachinescu (Head of Unit) presents "EC DG MARE A.1 unit on Maritime Innovation, Marine Knowledge and Investment"
- 1:18:26 Open discussion
[EMRA2021] EU funded projects + Industrial session
- 1:10 Mateo Ivanac (Croatian Chamber of Economy, Croatia) presents "INNOVAMARE - Dive into the depths of opportunities"
- 15:27 Jorge Dias (DEEC, University of Porto, Portugal) presents "ECOBOTICS.SEA: Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie RISE"
- 34:05 Massimo Caccia (CNR-INM, Italy) presents "MATRAC-ACP: Real-Time Adaptive Monitoring for Coastal Port Areas"
- 48:18 Miguel Ribeiro (SRS, WA, USA) presents "SRS - Strategic Robotics Systems - The research underlying the FUSION system"
- 59:45 Discussion
[EMRA2021] 2nd Keynote + 2nd H2020 projects session
- 08:32 Maaten Furlong (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK) presents "Research at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton"
- 40:20 Mayorkinos Papaelias (University of Birmingham) presents "ENDURUNS: Long-Endurance Autonomus Sea Surveying"
- 52:42 Theo Mertzimekis (University of Athens, Greece) presents "RAMONES - Radioactivity Monitoring in Ocean Ecosystems"
- 1:08:48 Fantina Madricardo (CNR-ISMAR, Italy) presents "MAELSTROM - Smart technology for MArinE Litter SusTainable RemOval and Management"
- 1:23:07 Rafael Garcia (UdG, Girona, Spain) presents "EurofleetsPlus - An alliance for implementing marine research on clean and healthy oceans"
- 1:38:00 Discussion
[EMRA2021] JRC + EU funded projects + Industrial session
- 2:40 Daniele Alberto Galliano (Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission) presents "Technology for sea monitoring: experience and vision"
- 15:00 Fabio Bruno (University of Calabria, Italy) presents "BLUEMED and TECTONIC projects" 29:48 Andrzej Wasowski (ITU, DK) presents "REMARO - Reliable AI for Marine Robotics"
- 43:51 Massimo Caccia (CNR-INM, Italy) presents "Blue Roses - To facilitate access to the subsea environment"
- 1:00:25 Minehiko Mukaida (Managing Director, UK) presents "Kawasaki Subsea UK Ltd. - The research underlying the SPICE AUV system and development progress"
- 1:16:00 Discussion
EUMarineRobots sessions
The European H2020 EUMarineRobots (EUMR) ( proposes an access-infrastructure for the deployment of a full-range of aerial, surface and sub-surface marine robotic assets. EUMR opens transnational access to significant national marine
[EMRA2021] EUMR session - 1st part
[EMRA2021] EUMR session - 2nd part